Thursday 21 April 2011


Rishikesh, is a holy city for Hindus and a famous centre of pilgrimage. It is also known as the gateway to the Himalayas and is located around 25 kilometers away from another holy city, Haridwar. Hrishikesh is the starting point for traveling to the sites that form the Char Dham pilgrimage — Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri.
Historically, Rishikesh, has been a part of the legendary 'Kedarkhand' (the present day Garhwal), the abode of Shiva . Legends state that Lord Rama did penance here for killing Ravana, the demon king of Lanka; and Lakshmana, his younger brother, crossed the river Ganga, at a point, where the present 'Lakshman Jhula' bridge stands today, using a jute rope bridge. The 'Kedar Khand' of Skanda Purana, also mentions the existence of Indrakund at this very point. The jute-rope bridge was replaced by iron-rope suspension bridge in 1889, and after it was washed away in the 1924 floods, it was replaced by a stronger present bridge. Even today, the western bank of the bridge has a Lakshmana temple, and across it lies a temple dedicated to Lord Rama; also present near by is a temple of his other brother, Bharata, which also finds mention in the 'Kedar Khand' .
The sacred river Ganga flows through Rishikesh. In fact, it is here that the river leaves the Shivalik mountains Himalayas, and flows out into the plains of northern India. Several temples, ancient as well as new, can be found along the banks of the Ganges in Rishikesh. The city attracts thousands of pilgrims and tourists each year, from within India, as well as from other countries. Rishikesh, sometimes nicknamed "the world-capital of Yoga", has numerous yoga centres that also attract tourists. It is believed that meditation in Rishikesh brings one closer to attainment of moksha, as does a dip in the holy river that flows through it. It is also becoming a popular spot for white water rafting enthusiasts, both from India and abroad, as it offers medium to rough rapids in the course of river Ganges.
Places to see in Rishikesh:-
Bharat Mandir:- Built by Adiguru Shankra Chrya arround 12th centuray, Bharat mandir is situated in the heart of the old town on the Banks of the Ganges. Detailed account of this oldest temple of Rishikesh are available in anciant record of Kearkhand. The Inner sanctum of the temple has the idol of lord Vishnu, carved out of a single Saligram. In the inner canopy above the idol is shree yantra installed by Adi Sankraya Charya. The original temple was destroyed by Tamur lane in 1398 A.D. Lot of old statues , coins, pots and other things of historical importance were found in recent excavatiions in the premises of the temple.
Rishikund:- Close to Trivenighat is the most anciant place, the rishikund. Anciant records relate this to Kubz Saint , who was blessed by the Goddess Yamuna by saturating this pond by its water.The pond reflects the temple of Ragunath , deicated to lord rama and his wife.
Triveni Ghat :- The main ghat in the town area where most of the pilgrims take holy dip. Every evening hundreds of pilgrims attend the Ganga Arti at the Ghat.

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